PRiME introduced in keynote speech at PATMOS 2013
In a Keynote speech at the prestigious PATMOS 2013 Conference (Power and Timing Modelling, Optimization and Simulation), Professor Bashir Al-Hashimi posed the question ‘Hardware reliability of embedded systems – are we there yet?’
The presentation introduced the audience of academic researchers and industrial experts to the aims and potential of the PRiME programme and described how the EPSRC-funded programme will address these questions over its five year timeframe.
Professor Al-Hashimi outlined the significant academic research to date and the pragmatic approach taken by industry to the design of reliable processors. He suggested that standards and tools will speed up the design automation of reliable hardware and make it main-stream, and forecast that a runtime cross-layer approach will enable energy-efficient and reliable design of future many-core embedded systems.
‘We are entering an exciting stage where innovation in holistic approach, standards and tools will provide effective solutions for future systems.’ concluded Professor Al-Hashimi.
The full suite of conference proceedings can be found here:
Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS), 2013 23rd International Workshop on