PRiME Workshop on Runtime: algorithms and implementation
University of Southampton
16th September 2014
The scientific workshop focused on technical presentations reporting the ongoing work of the PRiME researchers. A series of seminars was held and a further collaborative planning meeting held between the PRiME research team.
09:45 Rishad Shafik (Southampton) – Learning-based Decentralized Runtime Energy Minimization
10:15 Sheng Yang (Southampton) – Implementation of Runtime Management in GEM5
10:45 Ed Stott and Josh Levine (Imperial College) – Run-time for life time improvement
11:15 Simon Davidson (Manchester) – Potential for run-time management in SpiNNaker
11:45 Ibrahim Ahmed (Newcastle) – Adaptive Run-Time Management using PEAR Models
12:15 LUNCH
13:00 Anup Das (Southampton) – Hierarchical Run-time Manager for Application-Specific PEAR Optimization
13:30 Colin Snook (Southampton) – Barrelfish: Considerations for a Runtime Manager
14:00 Asieh Salehi Fathabadi (Southampton) – Formal modelling of workload prediction and machine learning applications in DVFS.
Copies of the presentations/Seminars are available upon request from: