PRiME Research Team Hackathon Meeting. 3rd November – 7th November 2014.
The research team met at University of Southampton to undertake the 2nd Hackathon Meeting. The aim of the week long meeting was for the four institutions to work collaboratively to produce an across layer demonstrator. With the overarching aim to produce a demonstrator that; demonstrates a thin vertical slice that brings together aspect from all of the themes, uses a heterogeneous system, combines different run-time energy saving techniques and achieves energy saving.
Slide showing progress towards the development of the across theme demonstrator
Good progress was made towards a demonstrator of the Hakathon convolution filter case study and the team broke the week with a series of short delivery tasks to finalise the demonstrator. This will be finalised by the PRiME All Hands Meeting on 4th December 2014.
The PRiME team discuss their results and agree actions for further development of the across theme demonstrator
Further details will be presented within the Tools and Demonstrator pages upon this website. Subscribe to the PRiME update newsletter for details of this and other research developments within the PRiME Programme.