PRiME shares its research worldwide
Researchers working on the PRiME project are always keen to share our research progress and latest findings with others, whether fellow academic researchers or industrialists. We believe that this helps to develop future collaborations as well as advancing the overall technical progress in our field of work.
The last few months have been particularly busy with visits to universities in the UK, Europe and Asia.
Prof Bashir Al-Hashimi visited the Technical University of Dortmund on June 22nd 2017, at the invitation of Prof Peter Marwedi, to give a talk on the PRiME framework for energy efficiency of many-core embedded systems. The talk was well received and led to further discussions including possible collaborations in machine learning algorithms in hardware and managing harvested energy in embedded systems.
Dr Amit Singh visited several institutes in India and Singapore during April 2017:
On 17th April, Amit visited Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, hosted by Assistant Prof Lam Siew Kei in the School of Computer Science & Engineering, to give a talk on PRiME’s work entitled Discussions on Reliability in Run Time Management. The following day he was at the National University of Singapore‘s School of Computing to present on Energy Efficiency and Reliability in Many-Core Embedded Systems (host: Prof Tulika Mitra). He repeated this talk two days later at the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India, where he was hosted by Prof Preeti Ranjan Panda in the Dept of Computer Science & Engineering. All these talks were well received and led to interesting discussion on research collaboration and possible student exchanges.
Finally, Dr Asieh Salehi visited Prof Sven Schewe’s verification group at the University of Liverpool on 15th June to talk about PRiME’s work on formal methods – Applying Formal Methods and Verification in Embedded Power Management Software. Again, this led to interesting discussions, including the possibility of a visit to PRiME by a Liverpool post-doc researcher.