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    PRiME releases free stereo matching algorithm for video

    | Demonstrators, News, Tools

    PRiME is pleased to announce the release of PRiME Stereo Match software  – a heterogeneous and fully parallel stereo matching algorithm for video depth estimation, available in both OpenCL and C++. Stereo Matching is based on the disparity estimation algorithm. This is an algorithm which is designed to calculate 3D depth information about a scene […]

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    PRiME PhD Student awarded HiPEAC Collaboration Grant

    | Awards, News

    Congratulations to one of PRiME’s PhD students, Charlie Leech, who has successfully applied for a competitive HiPEAC Collaboration grant which allows him to undertake a three month internship with ARM Holdings plc in Cambridge. HiPEAC (“High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation”) is an EU funded project that has provided a hub for European researchers […]

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    PRiME research nominated for Best Interactive Presentation Award at DATE2016

    | Awards, News

    The annual Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) conference and exhibition was held in Dresden, Germany on 14 – 16 March 2016. The event had 1400 registered attendees from 50 countries and presented a varied technical programme over the three days, including 78 technical sessions. PRiME researchers took part in the “IP2 Interactive Presentations” […]

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    KAPow: Wins best paper award at FCCM16, Washington DC.

    | Awards, News

    PRiME researchers at Imperial College, London, have developed a modelling tool for FPGA designs which allows users to monitor the power consumed by individual modules in the design. The tool is called KAPow – a loose acronym for ‘K’ounting Activity for Power estimation. Modern Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) can consist of highly complex system-on-chip […]

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    PRiME PowMon Tool presented at ISPASS-2016

    | Events, News, Tools, Uncategorized

    PRiME PhD researcher and PowMon developer, Matt Walker, hosted a day long tutorial, ‘Building Online Power Models from Real Data’ at 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software, Uppsala, Sweden. Working in collaboration with colleagues; Vasileios Spiliopoulos (Uppsala University, Sweden) and Stephan Diestelhorst (Staff Research Engineer at ARM, Cambridge, UK), Matt presented an […]

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    PRiME Team Collaboration Planning Meeting – Southampton, March 2016

    | Events, News

    The team gathered recently in Southampton for another successful All Hands collaboration planning meeting. Agenda items included: Researcher updates form the recent Hackathon event and progress within Theme research activity. Hardware and Software support for energy and reliability specifications RT capable of minimising energy of sequential and concurrent applications ARCHON, cross-layer modelling for power and […]

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    PRiME researchers share their work with the public

    | Demonstrators, Events, News, Outreach

    The University of Southampton held its annual Science and Technology day on Saturday 12 March, as part of British Science Week. This public engagement event opens up many parts of the University and its facilities and labs, with the aim of presenting the science and technology work being undertaken in an accessible way to members […]

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    PRiME Performance, Energy and Reliability Modelling Tool

    | Demonstrators, News, Tools

    Modelling the interplay between Performance, Energy and Reliability (PER) in multi- and many-core systems has been one of the main objectives within the PRiME project. This has led to the development of the idea to represent PER interplay as a region of reliable operation in the throughput-voltage space. This region is defined by platform-specific constraints […]

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    PowMon – PRiME CPU Power Modelling Tool now available for download

    | Demonstrators, News, Tools

    Accurately estimating CPU power consumption is a key requirement for controlling CPUs – e.g. for implementing energy saving techniques – and for exploring the CPU design space. PRiME researchers have developed a tool , PowMon, that uses models built and validated from real, measured data from an actual device. This means that the tool accuracy […]

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    PRiME Collaborators Awarded Prestigious Prize

    | Awards, News

    Key PRiME research and industrial collaborators, ARM and University of Southampton picked up the prestigious prize title ‘University Research Group of the Year’ at the National Microelectronics Institute annual dinner and prize giving event, held 19 November in London. The award was sponsored by Thales for excellent liaison and partnership in electronic systems with industry.  […]